The Council for Learning Outside the Classroom is running a series of free webinars highlighting practical examples of outdoor learning.
The first session, ‘Offering Outreach to Schools: How outdoor learning providers and schools are working together’ will take place on Tuesday, 14th July, from 2-3pm.
Louise Edwards from Surrey Outdoor Learning and Development (SOLD) will talk about how they are providing practical support to their local schools. You’ll also hear about the challenges they have faced and how these have been overcome as well as the impact that the joint working is having at this time.
A number of providers have been working with schools in their area to help with challenges they face with visits amid the coronavirus pandemic, as well as how they can use learning outside the classroom to support the emotional wellbeing of their pupils. The team from SOLD, which is a LOtC Quality Badge holder, are currently providing an outreach outdoor learning service to both Primary and SEN schools. They’re also providing specific CPD for schools on how to use their outdoor space in a Covid-friendly way.
In addition to Surrey Outdoor Learning & Development, other examples have come from the Heart of England Forest and The Garden Classroom. The Heart of England Forest charity in Warwickshire have been focussing on a number of areas including: re-establishing relationships with a new smaller group dynamic, hands-on curriculum learning to enable pupils to catch up with lost curriculum time and lots of space for social distancing.
The second, ‘Using outdoor learning to welcome children back to school: What schools are doing’ will involve teachers from two schools - Wood Street Infant School in Surrey and Kendall C of E School in Essex. Lewis Barrett-Rodger, headteacher of Kendall school will explain the various measures they have put in place while Charlotte Willoughby, deputy head of Wood Street will share their experiences.
They will talk about how they have used outdoor learning to help children return and readjust to school life.
There will be the chance to ask questions and take in each of the discussions. Both webinars will also be available to watch after they have taken place.
For more information and details of how to sign up, see the CLOtC website.