Skeletons%3A Our Buried Bones

M Shed, part of the Bristol Museums, has announced that between 9th and 12th May, it will be holding a Science Week for schools.

The study week will coincide with the new exhibition Skeletons: Our Buried Bones, and will involve pupils working with bone experts from the University of Bristol.

Suitable for Key Stages 2 and 3, the Science Week will allow students to delve deeper into the science of bones. 

Activities include measuring replica human bones, comparing animal bones, handling teeth, and learning about archaeological excavations.

Sessions during the Science Week will last approximately 90 minutes each.

Skeletons: Our Buried Bones

The exhibition will be showcasing the six skeletons that were discovered in Bristol recently, alongside skeletons from the Museum of London.

On display will be a Bronze Age man, with a spear-head lodged in his spine, a Roman woman, and bones of children who are believed to have had poor nutrition.

This exhibition will provide pupils with an insight into human history and human science, linking in with both the History and Science curriculum.

Together these bones bring to life stories that have been long hidden.

The exhibition is touring from the Wellcome Collection and the Museum of London, and will be opening at M Shed on 8th April.

The Bone Lab

Alongside the exhibition is The Bone Lab, a space where school children can discover some of the science behind the stories gathered from the bones.

Pupils will learn to distinguish between the male and female skeleton and how to identify what diseases and injuries the people had by searching for clues and listening to experts of the excavation site, lab and museum.

For more information, visit