More school children will be able to visit the Roman Baths and Victoria Art Gallery for free thanks to a new Free School Visits scheme launched by Bath & North East Somerset Council.

Roman Baths Clore Learning Centre

Source: © James Newton Photographs

Pupils can take part in archaeological digs at the Roman Baths.

Free visits and learning sessions will be available to state-funded primary and secondary schools across the UK where 30% or more of pupils receive free school meals. This scheme is said to build on the council’s emphasis on making heritage and culture accessible for all. 

“High-quality, immersive school trips should be accessible to all students,” said councillor Paul Roper, cabinet member for economic & cultural sustainable development, Bath & North East Somerset Council.

He added: “We understand that cost can be a significant barrier for schools, and we hope that our new offer of free entry and free learning sessions for eligible schools will make a difference. We are committed to sharing Bath’s rich heritage and, through this new initiative, we aim to ensure that more children can experience the excitement of learning in an unforgettable setting.”

Roman Baths Clore Learning Centre

Source: © James Newton Photographs

Pupils can explore Roman history through hands-on sessions.

What can schools expect?

The Roman Baths is one of the most complete time capsules of Roman Life in Britain, and each year brings the past to life for more than 30,000 school children.

Schools can enjoy self-guided visits to the site, as well as curriculum-focused teaching sessions in the state-of-the-art Roman Baths Clore Learning Centre. The site was recognised by the School Travel Awards as the Best Venue for History Learning in 2023.

School groups can discover Roman life and culture, explore feats of engineering and science, and get hands on with history through collection handling and archaeological digs in the immersive investigation zone.

School Travel Awards 2023

The education team at the Roman Baths were thrilled to win Best Venue for History Learning at the 2023 School Travel Awards.

The Victoria Art Gallery in the heart of Bath welcomes students of all ages to learn about art and develop their creativity. Learning sessions offer immersive, interactive and accessible ways to explore the gallery’s collection and temporary exhibitions of contemporary and historic art – and share the stories of artists and their work.

Lindsey Braidley, learning & participation manager at Bath’s Heritage Services, said: “Experiencing history and art firsthand is invaluable for young learners. Not only do school visits enhance learning, but engaging with heritage also provides significant benefits for health and well-being.

“For many children, a school trip to a museum or gallery might be their only opportunity to discover heritage and culture, and we want to ensure this is available to as many students as possible.”

Booking is now open for free school visits for eligible schools.

For more information on how to apply, click here for the Roman Baths and click here for Victoria Art Gallery.